Facts & FAQs: Is the housing market unaffordable?
Our Senior Investment Specialist, Kej Kulane, has launched a new segment on Wealthi Research: Facts & FAQs.
In this segment he will be breaking down facts, data and insights when it comes to all things real estate as well as responding to your frequently asked questions (FAQs).
It is all about keeping you as part of our community informed and educated so that when it is the right time you feel empowered to make the right investment decisions.
In this first episode he discusses the current affordability of the property market and breaks down why we will see the property market continue to grow long term.
The key data facts broken down in this episode are:
Widening wealth disparity due to generational wealth.
Millionaire Migration.
The impending inheritance boom.
Population Growth vs Supply Levels.
These indicators point to the fact that the property market is going to become more and more unaffordable with time. As a savvy investor out there, whilst the market is cooler, it would be wise to go out and find the deals and think about the long term.
If you have any questions or want further advice, book a free meeting with Kej to discuss how we can help you build a successful property portfolio: